Hygiene management plan creation course
○ Complete your own company's documents through paperwork exercises
○ We will explain the latest trends in food hygiene and hygiene management manuals. ○ If you wish, we will correct your documents (one email exchange).
○ Instructors with extensive experience in food manufacturing and processing will provide clear and friendly guidance.
*Applications are accepted until the day before.
*We will not accept applications from competitors.
*Co-hosted by LRQA Sustainability Co., Ltd.

For more information and to apply, click on the date you wish to apply.

<受講料> 16,500円(税込、お一人様あたり)
最少催行人数 2名
*Instructors can be dispatched for this training as in-house education.
*Upon request, we can also provide follow-up services such as facility inspections and document preparation at a later date.
佐藤 俊(弊社食品安全コンサルタント)
・ISO 22000 審査員補(IRCA)
・JFSM-A/B規格 監査員
・米国PCQI 予防管理適格者 など
<Support track record examples>
- 4 meat processing plants (2 of which are classified as standard B)
・1 seafood processing factory ・1 fish paste product ・1 RO water manufacturing factory ・1 bread factory ・1 dried food processing factory ・1 cut vegetable factory