Food Microbiology Identification Services
Food Microbial Identification Using the Latest MALDI-TOF MS* Technology
*What is MALDI-TOF MS?
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Learn more
(Food Science and Technology Agency page)
Use Cases
Understanding and controlling harmful microorganisms: Extending shelf life through microbial control
Dealing with microbial contamination problems: Scientifically based cause investigation and implementation of appropriate remedial measures
Detailed analysis of representative environmental hazards: Detailed analysis and risk management of Listeria, Salmonella, etc.
Improving U.S. FDA Inspection Capabilities: Strengthening and preparing for FDA inspections
Verification of food hygiene management systems: Ensuring food safety through the introduction and verification of HACCP and HARPC
FSMA Sanitation Preventive Controls Validation