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Heat sterilization to support HACCP "Practical Edition"

The book focuses on the many areas of need, such as "How to calculate the F value and examples of heat sterilization"

Heat sterilization is often set as a critical control point (CCP) in HACCP. However, it is necessary to be able to scientifically explain the sterilization temperature and time.

The "Basics" course on heat sterilization covered topics such as explanations of microorganisms that can be sterilized and related laws and regulations, as well as exercises on D and z values.

In addition, this course will give you a deeper understanding of the following:
・Explanation and practice of F value and L value
・Considerations on heat sterilization of beverages and seasonings
・Confirmation of validity when operating HACCP, etc.

Course Overview

1. Engineering theory of sterilization: F value and L value
2. Engineering theory of sterilization: Consideration using F value (heat sterilization of milk/low-temperature cooking)
3. Engineering theory of sterilization Example: Beverages
4. How to proceed with the study of sterilization conditions
5. Microbial control and sterilization Example: Liquid seasoning
6. Consideration of sterilization conditions Setting temperature and time conditions
7. Validation of sterilization conditions

特 典



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27,500 yen (tax included)

*Textbook shipping and certificate issuance fees included


- Course fee breakdown (excluding tax): 25,000 yen

- 10% consumption tax: 2,500 yen










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Lecturer brief history

Food Safety Technology Center

Visiting Professor, Niigata University of Food and Agriculture

Visiting Researcher, Ritsumeikan University

He is an expert in food safety technology, with a particular focus on microbiological quality assurance.

As a microbiologist and quality assurance manager at a major food manufacturer, he utilizes his knowledge of predictive microbiology in food microbial detection and control technology and sterilization engineering to set and validate conditions for heat sterilization of tea beverages, canned coffee, retort foods, etc., and evaluates them through challenge tests using potentially harmful bacteria such as botulinum.

Currently, while training a large number of HACCP managers and PCQI preventive management qualified individuals, he emphasizes the importance of establishing solid scientific evidence.

We support the visualization of trust through the accumulation of food safety measures based on scientific evidence and the development of human resources who can take responsibility for food safety.

They also provide advice such as suggesting improvements to formulations to increase shelf life and reviewing hygiene management to improve profits.

Advisor to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries FCP, Advisor to the Tokyo Keiken-in Foundation, Principal Auditor for ISO 22000 (IRCA), etc.

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